5 Nov 2020

Operation Santa Claus – Chloe Jones (9N1)

Chloe Jones writes:

“As beaches and schools were shut, there wasn’t a lot to do around Hong Kong, so I started hiking with some friends. We were hiking at least twice a week for over two months and thought it would be a good idea to make a project out of it. We eventually thought of the idea of doing the Hong Kong trail which is 50 km and we could turn this into a charity hike. There are many children struggling during this time, so we felt this would be a great opportunity to raise money to help them out. We knew the hike would be difficult but knowing how many children we would help really motivated us so we just told ourselves we could do it. As we prepared for the big day, we started getting all our supplies ready such as snacks, clothes, backpacks, head torches and so on. On the  night of the hike we set off at 1am. At the beginning it felt very strange as it was extremely quiet. We all felt very tired due to the early morning and ended up sleep walking through some of it. We were very happy when the sky brightened as we had a sudden burst of energy. 

As we approached the halfway point, we were excited to be able to eat some real food instead of energy bars. More people started to join at that point and we decided to set off again. By the time we reached Tai Tam , we started to get exhausted and I was also dreading the fact we had over 5 hours left. We had another stop at To Tei Wan and had some water. We set off again up the Dragon’s Back and at that point we were happy that the hike was almost done. As we got closer to Big Wave Bay, we were so relieved as our legs started to hurt a lot. The final distance post came, and it was at 100 meaning we had completed our 50km. We were extremely happy that we had successfully completed the hike and managed to raise a lot of money.”

If you would like to donate to Operation Santa Claus – please click on this link:  https://osc.scmp.com/donate/form/osc-2020-charity-hiking-chloe-jones

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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