27 Aug 2020

SIS Scouts Complete 30K Expeditions In The Dark

Scouts including a number of SIS students were busy this summer: they successfully completed 20 and 30 kilometer expeditions in early July, during a brief window of face-to-face activities.

It’s a step-by-step programme, catering to all levels. The younger ones hiked 9K with leaders at the back, while the senior scouts hiked 20K & 30K on their own. Lionel (just finishing Y10) was the overall organiser of the 30K expedition, with Lucas (Y9) in charge of 20K.

150th Hong Kong Scouts switched to online learning after Chinese New Year, when COVID-19 struck. Senior Scouts taught core skills including navigation, first aid, meteorology, wildlife identification and prepared to hit the ground running.

Plan A was an overnight hike/camp in February on Lantau. Lionel, Lucas and Zheng Hao did multiple recces from Big Buddha to the remote Fanlau peninsula.

When the Hong Kong Scouting Association told us we could only resume face-to-face activities in summer, we had to switch to Plan B because of the heat: carrying out expeditions at night, which had never been attempted before.

150th motto is: “Safe, Fun, a Learning Experience.”
The Scouts had to go back to the drawing board. They did multiple recces, went on night hikes with their families, and eventually mapped out completely new routes. They organised practice night hikes in Aberdeen Country Park and on Dragon’s Back. The final expedition started in Big Wave Bay, up Dragon’s Back, down around Tai Tam Bay, and around the Tai Tam reservoirs.

A total of 11 senior Scouts took part in the final expeditions (9 from SIS International):
(Y10): Lionel (expedition leader), Josh, Johnathon
(Y9): Lucas, Brendan, David, Justin, Zheng Hao.
(Y8): Wilfred youngest member was Wilfred

Scouts had many wildlife encounters along the way: a Chinese water dragon during a recce near the Peak, families of wild boars, giant Nephila spiders.

Well done, Scouts! That was quite an achievement. They now have all the skills to take their friends and families on expeditions.

If anyone is interested in joining, email: 150sjgleaders@gmail.com

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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