8 May 2020

Distance Learning – Classcraft

Congratulations to Shannon D’Souza (9N2) and Reiya Seth (9M1), the first two students to ‘level up’ in our Y9 Digital Media (Creative Arts) pilot, which makes use of the learning platform, Classcraft. The platform provides the opportunity for the gamification of education whereby students complete quests as avatars within the context of a fantasy world, often in teams, whilst engaging with their usual class tasks. Experience points can be gained for positive contributions to lessons and the successful completion of tasks and assessments.

Reiya has been studying news journalism: exploring the context of migration, tabloid representation of migrants and digital tools helpful in debunking fake news. As young journalists, Reiya and her peers will have the chance to create a short film later this term, which explores an issue faced by the local community.

Shannon has been studying the horror genre in Integrated Arts:Media considering the techniques associated with suspense and the technical skills required to create compelling jump scares. Students will also have an opportunity to apply their learning to the construction of a short film exercise, before the end of term.

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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