3 Oct 2019

Our students connected well at Making Links 2019

28 NGOs, organisations and groups came along to the 7th MaD Council who collectively organised our annual ‘Making Links’ event at South Island School yesterday. 16 of those were NGO’s from outside school, and 12 were student groups from within SIS wanting to garner support for their cause.

Making Links is designed to do exactly what it says – to make links between those who want support, and those who want to do the supporting, that is, our students in school. All students in Years 9-13 had the opportunity to find out more about what groups as diverse as Sai Kung Stray Friends, Children’s Medical Foundation, World Vision and Kids4Kids do – and more importantly, to make links by offering their time and energy in support of those causes.

One of the groups present was Social Career – providers of the app where SIS students can continue to sign up for any of volunteering opportunities with these organisations throughout the year.

Thank you to the NGOs and groups who came along to raise awareness for what they do – and a very big thank you to the student ‘Making a Difference’ Council, led by Canaan Chan and Minji Kwon, who organised the event from start to finish.

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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