20 Apr 2018

Year 10-12 students: 31st Outstanding Students selection

The HKSAR Outstanding Students Union is holding its annual selection, which is open to students in Years 10-12. The selection aims to encourage secondary school students to utilise their potential and strive to be all-rounded. There are awards for participants with outstanding qualities in academic performance, extra-curricular activities, community service, leadership and self-awareness.

Please find details of this award at www.yljc.org.hk and contact Mrs. Crouch@fcrouch@sis.edu.hk if you are interested in applying.

The application process includes writing a 1,000 word essay and a personal statement. Other evidence will also need to be included to support your application. 20 finalists will be chosen, and 10 final awardees, who will be invited to take part in a cultural exchange.


Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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