10 Nov 2017

Prefect Training 2017

This year in conjunction with the Head Prefects, the Heads of House have looked at revamping the system by which we choose the Prefects. The first item on the agenda was prefect training, and we decided that this should be part of the actual interview process – after all we want students who are dedicated, keen to learn and enthusiastic to be our role models at SIS!

After collaboratively planning a series of three sessions we arranged for a combination of Heads of House and Head Prefects to present each one.

The first session explored what type of person we are and looked at how multiple different personalities made the team stronger. Then there was a hectic game of ‘Bingo’ based around the Prefect Handbook.

In the second session we explored how our values are linked with the school ones – leading to an extensive circus exploring different scenarios that prefects might come across. All the Heads of House and Head Prefects were involved and judging by the answers and positive comments the year 12 enjoyed the session!

Next week we look at “Myths around the Prefect system’ whilst the Head Prefects run 4 workshops covering “Communicating with teachers & Parents” to “Interview skills” and “Public speaking”

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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