1 Sep 2017

40th Birthday Celebrations

Dear Students and Parents,

  40th Birthday Celebrations

I hope you are all working hard to get sponsors for your walk on Tuesday! We are hoping everyone will have managed to raise $100 for our Family Academy in Bacolod. I would just like to give you some final details to ensure you have everything you need for the walk.

You will be leaving school at 10.30, just after the whole school party photo. There are some basic things you will need for the walk:

  • Bring in your Sponsor Form and Money in an envelope with your name on it.
  • A hat
  • 1 litre of water in a plastic bottle.
  • A small backpack or bag to carry the water.
  • Sunblock
  • Please check the weather to see if a waterproof jacket or umbrella is necessary.

Please wear:

  • Your House T Shirt (needed for the photo and the walk)
  • Shorts or trousers that will be cool enough to walk in
  • Training shoes or other suitable walking shoes. (No flip flops)

We are having an amazing cake – big enough for the whole school –  which will be iced and decorated on Tuesday morning. Once you have finished your walk, please go up and see it in the Space. We will be cutting it at 1.15 and everyone will get a slice.

The activities the students have planned do not require you to bring your laptop – please leave it at home on Tuesday. Instead, make sure you have a pen or pencil. If you are doing the ‘Hats off to you’ activity then you might have been asked to bring in some decorations for your hat.


Please make sure you know where you are going.

We hope it is going to be a fun day. We have shortened the walk slightly and will now only be walking to Deep Water Bay. The reason for this is the weather, and the effects of the recent typhoons, which have left a lot of debris along sections of the route. We have now walked the suggested route 3 times and feel that given the present temperature, local conditions, and the number of students involved, Deep Water Bay is a more suitable distance.

Our aim is to raise $70 000 for our Family Academy Charity – please help us to make this challenging total! If you do not have a sponsor form, the MaD council students will be round to tutor bases today and Friday with spares – and spares are also available at reception.


Best wishes

Mrs. Chapman
Vice Principal
South Island School

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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