Support Us

Bringing the Learning Back

Making a Gift

Supporting School Events

The greatest gift that our community can give to South Island School is to share the learning journey that they have been on since leaving school. There are several different ways that you can help to support us in this way, so the following ideas are just some of the things that we would ask you to consider.

Work Experience

Normally each year, our 11 students go into the community for one week, to gain a better insight into the world of work. Could you or your company help with a work placement? If yes, we’d love to hear from you. If you would consider a longer internship for an SIS student, perhaps over a summer holiday period, we would also be delighted to try and match you up with an enthusiastic student. Year 11 and 12 students are regularly looking for business, science-related, design-related or creative placements. We could establish a regular placement process if it was mutually supportive to your organisation.

Business Day

Each year, we organise a Business Day for our students in Year 12. It is a fantastic day of creative and entrepreneurial learning and every year we invite local business people to act as mentors and guides. SIS alumni already feature heavily in this process, year on year – we would love to hear from other interested coaches.

Guest Speakers

There are many events, every year, at which guest speakers would be really appreciated. From Careers talks to our Commencement Ceremony, our students really love hearing from those that trod the corridors before them. You have so many experiences to share – these can help our students be as informed as possible when making potentially difficult choices, and can enhance their excitement about their future opportunities.

Service and Social Enterprise

Our school philosophy is to make a difference. Our students do this in so many different ways but service is at the core of our school values. If you are engaged with social enterprise or service work anywhere in the world, we would love to get involved and to work alongside you for the benefit of others. All of our Houses support different causes and we adopt some major projects, like our Jumpstart Kindergarten in the Philippines, on a longer-term basis. Inspire our students, engage our students, work alongside our students to really make a difference.

Making a donation to South Island School can be by cheque or using your Paypal account. Cheque donations should be made payable to “South Island School”.  If you are donating for a specific project, please put the project name on the back of the cheque.

South Island School is a registered charitable institution with the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department. Donations above HK$100 are tax deductible and a tax receipt will be issued to the donor upon request. You can drop your gift cheque at the school office or mail to: South Island School, 50 Nam Fung Road, Hong Kong SAR.

What will your gift be used for? We work each year with our School and Student Councils to develop ideas about making SIS an even better learning environment. In the past few years we have used gifts and PTA funding to renovate our Refectory, our School Hall, our Library and our Learning Support Unit. We have also been able to support major new building projects such as The Atrium and The Space. We want our School to be the very best learning environment that we can make it – your support will make a difference.

If you would like to make a major donation, please contact the Principal. We have options to purchase a name brick in our living artwork outside the Learning Resource Centre or to discuss more significant naming rights for areas of the School.

Thank you for your generosity and support!

Students at SIS run several major school events each year. Diwali Night, International Evening, Innovation Fashion Show, TEDx, SIS Chef, NightFest (with our PTA) are just some of these. Students don’t always need money for support – sometimes they need advice and mentorship, sometimes contacts, sometimes materials, sometimes prizes. If you can help in this area, we would love to hear from you.

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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