28 Apr 2017

Netflix Series ’13 Reasons Why’

We write to alert parents about issues we are picking up in school about this Series.

13 Reasons Why” is a new Netflix series, based on a book released in 2007. It covers the suicide of a young woman who before ending her life sends 13 audio-tapes to friends and classmates explaining how and why they contributed to her final actions.

Parents may not be aware that their children could have watched this series. It is now becoming apparent that many students from Year 7 to 13 have viewed it. There have been concerns from staff about some of the conversations around the Series and we would like to bring this to the attention of parents. The Series itself is supposed to be restricted to those over 16 years of age, but it seems some of these restrictions have not been added to Netflix viewing.

Attached are two articles that explain in more detail the content of the series and then give some suggestions about how to engage in discussions about the content. Please click here for article 1 and article 2.

At a time when Hong Kong families are becoming increasingly aware of teenage wellbeing issues, we felt it important to flag up our concerns about this Series.

The attachments are both sourced from Australia and contain local helpline numbers. To supplement the articles, there are several sources in Hong Kong that students can receive help if they are in need of support.

KELY Support Group has a Youth Help line: Tel: 2521 6890

On our school website we also have information about our school counsellor services with contact details. Another resource on the website is the Community Resources in Hong Kong. https://www.sis.edu.hk/student-wellbeing/


Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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