25 Nov 2016

LSC Students have virtual fun


As part of our ASDAN unit on Sport and Leisure the Y10 -13 LSC students have been visiting a variety a of leisure facilities in Hong Kong and seeing what they have to offer! To link in with our Nightfest theme for this year, we visited JetOne Motion in Central to experience their Virtual Reality and simulation devices and services.  Students were shown all the latest Head Mount Displays (HMD) including Oculus, HTC, mobile VR, and other VR equipment.


They were also introduced to the basic technical knowledge of virtual reality technology, the available development tools on the market, the key difference among HMDs and their characteristics, and what else could virtual reality do besides gaming.  Finally and maybe most importantly,  students had the opportunity to try out the HMDs as well as other latest VR equipment!  The unanimous view was that this was a fun, educational, and eye-opening leisure activity and experience!

Ian Meekcoms
Head of LSC, IN Department

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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