13 Nov 2015

Values in Action (Our 3rd Curriculum)

Every week we have examples of students putting our school values into action. In the last two weeks we have had some major events that need to be recognised as activities students take part in, learn and make a difference to themselves, our community or the world around them.

Making Links’ involved 25 different charity organisations this year and was a chance to allow students to promote their causes and to raise awareness. The MAD Council took charge of this and invited all the different charities to the exhibition.
Diwali Celebration’ was a very successful event that takes students a lot of planning and involves a huge amount of students both in the performances and back stage. This year the charity that benefited was World Vision.
‘HKAYP’ took 80 students and 20 staff out to Sai Kung for their first Bronze and Silver expeditions.  5 new staff were also involved in the weekend. This is an excellent opportunity for learning new skills that are lifelong and go towards building the dispositions of social engagement, communication, being courageous, thoughtful and being active, learning what is essential to be carried in a backpack and what to leave behind next time – Don’t bring the large Tupperware with the cereals in!
‘The Inter Schools Rowing Competition’ took place last Saturday and this was an opportunity for some Year 7 students to take part in a new activity.  This has been a very popular new activity for us.
Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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